Here is a sample of Romanian vocabulary, with the stemmed forms that will be generated by this algorithm:
word | stem | word | stem | |||||||||
abruptă absent absentă absente absenţa absența absenţă absență absenţi absenți absolut absoluta absolută absolute absolutul absolutului absoluţi absoluți absolve absolvenţi absolvenți absolvenţii absolvenții absolvi absolvire absolvit absolvită absolviţi absolviți absorbant absorbantă absorbi absorbit absorbite absorbiţi absorbiți absorbţia absorbția abstinent abstract |
⇒ |
abrupt absent absent absent absenț absenț absenț absenț absenț absenț absol absol absol absol absol absol absoluț absoluț absolv absolvenț absolvenț absolvenț absolvenț absolv absolv absolv absolv absolv absolv absorb absorb absorb absorb absorb absorb absorb absorbț absorbț abstinent abstract |
ocol ocolea ocolesc ocoleşte ocolește ocoleşti ocolești ocoli ocolim ocolind ocolire ocolişuri ocolișuri ocolit ocolită ocoliţi ocoliți ocolul ocoluri ocolurile ocrotit ocrotitoare ocrotitor ocrotiţi ocrotiți octavă octavian octet octeţi octeți octogenarul octombrie ocular ocult ocultarea ocultat ocultă ocultării oculţi oculți |
⇒ |
ocol ocol ocol ocol ocol ocol ocol ocol ocol ocol ocol ocolișur ocolișur ocol ocol ocol ocol ocol ocolur ocolur ocrot ocrot ocrot ocrot ocrot octav octavian octet octeț octeț octogenar octombr ocular ocult ocult ocult ocult ocultăr oculț oculț |
(For the background to this work, see the
credits page. Following earlier misgivings on the wisdom
of removing IST/ISM endings, in this stemmer they are now conflated to a single
form. It can easily be modified it to bring it in line with the other Romance
stemmers: see the internal comments marked ‘IST
It is assumed that hyphenated forms are split into separate words prior to stemming.)
Letters in Romanian include the following accented forms,
The following letters are vowels:
Before full Unicode support was widespread it was common to use ş and ţ (cedilla instead of comma-below) in Romanian text as these characters were more readily available in 8-bit character sets. The original version of this algorithm only recognised the cedilla forms, but the current version instead normalises the old forms as a first step: replace ş by ș and ţ by ț.
Then, i and u between vowels are put into upper case (so that they are treated as consonants).
R1, R2 (see the note on R1 and R2) and RV then have the same definition as in the Spanish stemmer.
Always do steps 0, 1, 2 and 4. (Step 3 is conditional on steps 1 and 2.)
Step 0: Removal of plurals (and other simplifications)
Step 1: Reduction of combining suffixes
Step 2: Removal of ‘standard’ suffixes
Do step 3 if no suffix was removed either by step 1 or step 2.
Step 3: Removal of verb suffixes
Step 4: Removal of final vowel
And finally:
routines (
prelude postlude mark_regions
RV R1 R2
standard_suffix combo_suffix
externals ( stem )
integers ( pV p1 p2 )
groupings ( v )
booleans ( standard_suffix_removed )
stringescapes {}
/* special characters */
stringdef a^ '{U+00E2}' // a circumflex
stringdef i^ '{U+00EE}' // i circumflex
stringdef a+ '{U+0103}' // a breve
stringdef sc '{U+015F}' // s cedilla
stringdef tc '{U+0163}' // t cedilla
stringdef s, '{U+0219}' // s comma
stringdef t, '{U+021B}' // t comma
define v 'aeiou{a^}{i^}{a+}'
// Normalize old cedilla forms to correct comma-below forms.
define norm as (
do repeat goto (
[substring] among (
'{sc}' (<- '{s,}')
'{tc}' (<- '{t,}')
define prelude as (
repeat goto (
v [ ('u' ] v <- 'U') or
('i' ] v <- 'I')
define mark_regions as (
$pV = limit
$p1 = limit
$p2 = limit // defaults
do (
( v (non-v gopast v) or (v gopast non-v) )
( non-v (non-v gopast v) or (v next) )
setmark pV
do (
gopast v gopast non-v setmark p1
gopast v gopast non-v setmark p2
define postlude as repeat (
[substring] among(
'I' (<- 'i')
'U' (<- 'u')
'' (next)
backwardmode (
define RV as $pV <= cursor
define R1 as $p1 <= cursor
define R2 as $p2 <= cursor
define step_0 as (
[substring] R1 among(
'ul' 'ului'
( delete )
( <-'a' )
'ea' 'ele' 'elor'
( <-'e' )
'ii' 'iua' 'iei' 'iile' 'iilor' 'ilor'
( <-'i')
( not 'ab' <- 'i' )
( <- 'at' )
'a{t,}ie' 'a{t,}ia'
( <- 'a{t,}i' )
define combo_suffix as test (
[substring] R1 (
/* 'IST'. alternative: include the following
'alism' 'alisme'
'alist' 'alista' 'aliste' 'alisti' 'alist{a+}' 'ali{s,}ti' (
<- 'al'
'abilitate' 'abilitati' 'abilit{a+}i' 'abilit{a+}{t,}i' (
<- 'abil'
'ibilitate' (
<- 'ibil'
'ivitate' 'ivitati' 'ivit{a+}i' 'ivit{a+}{t,}i' (
<- 'iv'
'icitate' 'icitati' 'icit{a+}i' 'icit{a+}{t,}i'
'icator' 'icatori'
'iciv' 'iciva' 'icive' 'icivi' 'iciv{a+}'
'ical' 'icala' 'icale' 'icali' 'ical{a+}' (
<- 'ic'
'ativ' 'ativa' 'ative' 'ativi' 'ativ{a+}' 'a{t,}iune'
'atoare' 'ator' 'atori'
'{a+}toare' '{a+}tor' '{a+}tori' (
<- 'at'
'itiv' 'itiva' 'itive' 'itivi' 'itiv{a+}' 'i{t,}iune'
'itoare' 'itor' 'itori' (
<- 'it'
set standard_suffix_removed
define standard_suffix as (
unset standard_suffix_removed
repeat combo_suffix
[substring] R2 (
// past participle is treated here, rather than
// as a verb ending:
'at' 'ata' 'at{a+}' 'ati' 'ate'
'ut' 'uta' 'ut{a+}' 'uti' 'ute'
'it' 'ita' 'it{a+}' 'iti' 'ite'
'ic' 'ica' 'ice' 'ici' 'ic{a+}'
'abil' 'abila' 'abile' 'abili' 'abil{a+}'
'ibil' 'ibila' 'ibile' 'ibili' 'ibil{a+}'
'oasa' 'oas{a+}' 'oase' 'os' 'osi' 'o{s,}i'
'ant' 'anta' 'ante' 'anti' 'ant{a+}'
'ator' 'atori'
'itate' 'itati' 'it{a+}i' 'it{a+}{t,}i'
'iv' 'iva' 'ive' 'ivi' 'iv{a+}' (
'iune' 'iuni' (
'{t,}'] <- 't'
'ism' 'isme'
'ist' 'ista' 'iste' 'isti' 'ist{a+}' 'i{s,}ti' (
<- 'ist'
/* 'IST'. alternative: remove with <- '' */
set standard_suffix_removed
define verb_suffix as setlimit tomark pV for (
[substring] among(
// 'long' infinitive:
'are' 'ere' 'ire' '{a^}re'
// gerund:
'ind' '{a^}nd'
'indu' '{a^}ndu'
// present:
'ez' 'ezi' 'eaz{a+}' 'esc' 'e{s,}ti'
'{a+}sc' '{a+}{s,}ti'
// imperfect:
'am' 'ai' 'au'
'eam' 'eai' 'ea' 'ea{t,}i' 'eau'
'iam' 'iai' 'ia' 'ia{t,}i' 'iau'
// past: // (not 'ii')
'a{s,}i' 'ar{a+}m' 'ar{a+}{t,}i' 'ar{a+}'
'u{s,}i' 'ur{a+}m' 'ur{a+}{t,}i' 'ur{a+}'
'i{s,}i' 'ir{a+}m' 'ir{a+}{t,}i' 'ir{a+}'
'{a^}i' '{a^}{s,}i' '{a^}r{a+}m' '{a^}r{a+}{t,}i' '{a^}r{a+}'
// pluperfect:
'asem' 'ase{s,}i' 'ase' 'aser{a+}m' 'aser{a+}{t,}i' 'aser{a+}'
'isem' 'ise{s,}i' 'ise' 'iser{a+}m' 'iser{a+}{t,}i' 'iser{a+}'
'{a^}sem' '{a^}se{s,}i' '{a^}se' '{a^}ser{a+}m' '{a^}ser{a+}{t,}i'
'usem' 'use{s,}i' 'use' 'user{a+}m' 'user{a+}{t,}i' 'user{a+}'
( non-v or 'u' delete )
// present:
'{a+}m' 'a{t,}i'
'em' 'e{t,}i'
'im' 'i{t,}i'
'{a^}m' '{a^}{t,}i'
// past:
'se{s,}i' 'ser{a+}m' 'ser{a+}{t,}i' 'ser{a+}'
'sei' 'se'
// pluperfect:
'sesem' 'sese{s,}i' 'sese' 'seser{a+}m' 'seser{a+}{t,}i' 'seser{a+}'
define vowel_suffix as (
[substring] RV among (
'a' 'e' 'i' 'ie' '{a+}' ( delete )
define stem as (
do norm
do prelude
do mark_regions
backwards (
do step_0
do standard_suffix
do ( standard_suffix_removed or verb_suffix )
do vowel_suffix
do postlude